Relational mobility-related Publications

Below are a collection of works related to relational mobility. If you have published any work using relational mobility, and would like it added to this list, please contact Robert Thomson at

Book Chapters

  • Oishi, S., Schug, J., Yuki, M. & Axt, J. (2015). The psychology of residential and relational mobilities. In M.J. Gelfand, C.Y. Chiu, & Y.Y. Hong (Eds.), Handbook of Advances in Culture and Psychology (pp. 221-272), Vol. 5. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Yuki, M. & Schug, J. (2012). Relational mobility: A socio-ecological approach to personal relationships. In O. Gillath, G.E. Adams, & A.D. Kunkel (Eds.), Relationship science: Integrating evolutionary, neuroscience, and sociocultural approaches (pp. 137-152). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. [APA] [] [Download manuscript]

Journal Articles